2025 Life Members

Ben Moore

Bob Lutker

Chris Berardi

Gary Alphin

Ken Knotts

Mike Hicks

Mike Hofer

Neil Lyle

Roger Spencer

Rob Lowe

Tom Blakeney

Tab Bowland

Will Campbell

Walker Brents

James Meadows

Woody Lake

Past Life Members - Deceased

Chuck Cunningham

Chuck McLeroy

Chuck Osborn

Curly Rucker

Dave Dingman

Dell Cummings

Ed Rankin

Gary Cummings

Helmer Johnson

Joe Jopling

Oscar Slaughter

Roy Klett

Travis Berry

Following is a list of Thunderbirds who have been recognized for their continuing contribution to the club. A Life Membership is in recognition of a lifetime of achievement in service of the club. It is expected that award of this membership is a rare event and offered only to senior members with both a history of and current involvement in the club.
Lifetime Members

Congratulations to our former Vice President, Rob Lowe. Rob has been selected as our new Life Member in recognition of his extended service to the Thunderbirds and our hobby.