Flying Field
Thunderbird Field is located in Mustang Park on the south shore of Benbrook Lake. It is on property leased by the club from the US Army Corps of Engineers. The field infrastructure was built by the Corps of Engineers using funds obtained by the club. The club provided additional funding for landscaping and for maintenance facilities. The club provides continuing maintenance and improvements
GPS coordinates for the Corps of Engineers gate are 32.529209, -97.479741. Or the address, 4300 Winscott Plover Road, Fort Worth TX can be entered. This is the entrance to Mustang Park. Proceed through the gate to the 4-way stop. Turn left .4 mi. to the field on the right.
AMA membership is required and pilots are required to post their cards in the frequency board prior to transmitter turn on. The AMA Safety Code is posted on the bulletin board. Club rules are posted on the frequency board and both are shown below. Visitors are welcome to fly at Thunderbird and can park in the paved lot when a Thunderbird member is present. The parking lot is locked when a member is not present and the Corps provides visitor parking outside the gate. Depending on Corps policy, visitors may be charged a park admission fee.
NOTE FOR LATE FLYERS (MEMBERS ONLY). The Corps locks the gate near the dump station at night. If you wish to fly after the gate is locked, a Thunderbird lock has been installed. Be sure to lock the gate after you leave. Thanks to the Corps for allowing this feature.

Academy of Model Aeronautics
National Model Aircraft Safety Code
Effective January 1, 2018
A model aircraft is a non-human-carrying device capable of sustained flight within visual line of sight of the pilot or spotter(s). It may not exceed limitations of this code and is intended exclusively for sport, recreation, education and/or competition. All model flights must be conducted in accordance with this safety code and related AMA guidelines, any additional rules specific to the flying site, as well as all applicable laws and regulations.
As an AMA member I agree:
I will not fly a model aircraft in a careless or reckless manner.
I will not interfere with and will yield the right of way to all human-carrying aircraft using AMA’s See and Avoid Guidance and a spotter when appropriate.
I will not operate any model aircraft while I am under the influence of alcohol or any drug that could adversely affect my ability to safely control the model.
I will avoid flying directly over unprotected people, moving vehicles, and occupied structures.
I will fly Free Flight (FF) and Control Line (CL) models in compliance with AMA’s safety programming.
I will maintain visual contact of an RC model aircraft without enhancement other than corrective lenses prescribed to me. When using an advanced flight system, such as an autopilot, or flying First-Person View (FPV), I will comply with AMA’s Advanced Flight System programming.
I will only fly models weighing more than 55 pounds, including fuel, if certified through AMA’s Large Model Airplane Program.
I will only fly a turbine-powered model aircraft in compliance with AMA’s Gas Turbine Program.
I will not fly a powered model outdoors closer than 25 feet to any individual, except for myself or my helper(s) located at the flightline, unless I am taking off and landing, or as otherwise provided in AMA’s Competition Regulation.
I will use an established safety line to separate all model aircraft operations from spectators and bystanders.
For a complete copy of AMA’s Safety Handbook please visit:
Drone View